Foods Alive Organic Golden Flax Seeds
Foods Alive offers the cleanest and best-tasting organic golden flax seed on the market.
Health Benefits Include:
- Flax contains the EFAs your body needs for a healthy heart, a high amount of body-cleansing fiber, and the all-important lignans.
- Flax seeds are a great source of so many of the enzymes and nutrients your body needs, including protein, vitamins, phytonutrients, lignans, and fiber.
- By consuming flax, you will help to promote normal cholesterol levels, your digestion should improve, and you should generally feel better. Flaxseeds are 35% oil and 55% of that oil includes the crucial omega fatty acids. Remember, both omega-3 and omega-6 are essential fatty acids that should be included in your diet to promote good heart health.
- The lignans found in flax are also low-glycemic carbohydrates. They slow the absorption of sugar in the intestinal tract. It is very important to chew or grind the flaxseeds in a coffee grinder. If the seeds are not crushed, they will pass through your system intact and you will lose some of the important health benefits.
How to Use: You can add golden flax seeds to just about anything, but we'll still list some options for you. Throw some in smoothies or shakes, sprinkle on top of a delicious salad, add to a granola or trail mix, and you can even add them to baked goods, such as breads or muffins.
Shelf Life: 2 years
Country of Origin: USA or Canada
About the Brand
Foods Alive is a family-owned and operated business that cares more about the quality of food and the effects of producing it on our planet than profiting for oneself. They came to life in 2002 when the first seeds were sown by Ellen and Michael Moor, their son Matt and his wife Tammy.
Ellen and Michael first encountered flax crackers while enjoying a raw food buffet at Creative Health Institute in Hodunk, Michigan. Michael fell in love with the raw cracker and this inspired Ellen to recreate it in her own kitchen. She began making flax crackers for her family and they loved them also! As Ellen continued making flax crackers, she let her creativity shine with new combinations of flavors. These raw crackers became such a hit with the family that they all agreed they must be shared with the world!
So in the middle of 2002, Ellen, Michael, Matt, and Tammy launched Foods Alive. Today, Foods Alive offers their unique Raw Golden Flax Crackers in several wonderful flavors, produces a variety of raw Flax and Hemp-based Gourmet Oils and Super Dressings, and an extensive line of organic raw Super Foods (chia seeds, maca powder, goji berries, etc) to provide health-conscious consumers with a more diverse nutritional experience.
Organic Golden Flax Seed*
*Organic Ingredient